Bitcoin is projected to skyrocket to new highs by the end of the year. This may well happen but maybe not. There is currently over $270B USD in crypto currently and Bitcoin has over 60% of the market at the time of this writing. That’s an impressive share of the market but what happens when the rise of Alt Coins takes over?

    The market cap will continue to grow for sure but if bitcoin fails to maintain their market share the price will stall and if they lose enough of the market share we will see a selloff that will create a huge drop on huge Bitcoin price. This is why we see interviews with Bitcoin “Maximalists” claiming Alt Coin will fail and Bitcoin is the true messiah. They have biased opinions since they hold large amounts of bitcoin and understand this relationship between the market, Bitcoin, and Alt Coin. If Alt Coins ceased to exist Bitcoin would have the entire market share doubling its value instantl

     Currently Alt Coins are working to implement blockchain technology into real world application using smart contracts. It’s a race to prove to the Bitcoin Maximalists that the world is not flat so to speak. Injecting real world application of blockchain tech into the economy and bringing secure secure transactions, communication, and tracking data to products and services is just the beginning. Imagine a world where you can pick up a product in a store like frozen food, scan a code, and look at the entire storage and transport data (storage temps, date of manufacture, expiration, product recalls) all instantly before you buy. Imagine buy high end name brand products, scanning them and validating their authenticity instantly so you never again overpay for some knockoff product.

     Bottom line is as these smart contracts get injected into our everyday lives Bitcoin will struggle to keep it’s market share. Bitcoin may be able to maintain enough of the market share to hold value and even gain value as more people begin to invest in this market. But there are so many Alt Coins out there working to implement the usefulness of blockchain technology into our everyday lives that one day Columbus will sail. So the real question is, are you going to be on that ship or still sitting on that Bitcoin as it fades away in the distance?